7-я по успешности компания в регионе Котка по результатам 2010 года
5 звёзд (87 баллов из 100) по версии Kauppalehti’s Achievers classification
Kauppalehti’s annual Achievers series is published every autumn to compare the financial success of Finnish corporations. Classification as an Achiever is only granted to companies whose financial performance is among the best in its industry and in Finnish business in general. The Achievers classification is carried out by Kauppalehti’s analysis unit Balance Consulting, which measures the financial performance of companies based on six criteria. The classification includes all Finnish corporations that have an annual turnover in excess of EUR 0,5 million and whose financial statements are available to the public.
Одна из самых успешных компаний в Финляндии по результатам 2012 года
Kauppalehti's Research and Analysis Unit Balance Consulting has classified company Friends Logistics Oy as one of the most successful companies in Finland for 2012.
We analyse annually the financial statements and business performance of finnish companies. Company's economic success is determined by 6 different indicators, which measure growth, financial results and profitability as well as strong financial structure and liquidity. Companies that meet the criteria for the classification are among the top companies of it's branch of business. Only less than 4% of all finnish companies meet the criteria set by Kauppalehti. Kauppalehti's Achiever certification is meant to strengthen the co-operation between your company and it's business partners and to facilitate the emergence of new customer relationships. The certificate is a sign that your company is a reliable partner - now and in the future. It also proofs that your company is a good employer.